Tag Archives: Zombie

Turks Clash with Police Over Internet Censorship

Turkish riot police fire water cannons and tear gas at hundreds of demonstrators who are trying to march to the city’s main Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014.

Turkey remains on edge after riot police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse hundreds protesters Saturday in Istanbul.

The protest follows legislation that critics say will tighten government control over the Internet.

It would allow authorities to block websites for privacy violation without a court decision. Internet providers would also be forced make user data available to state officials.

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30,000+ Anti-Government Activists Rally in Kiev

Opposition supporters take part in a rally in Kyiv’s Independence Square in Ukraine, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian anti-government activists rallied in the capital, Kiev, as the country’s national security agency warned of unspecified threats of terrorism.

About 30,00 opposition supporters turned out for Sunday’s rally in Kyiv’s Independence Square.

Opposition leaders repeated calls for constitutional reform and new elections that would hopefully unseat President Viktor Yanukovych.

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