Tag Archives: Vladimir Putin

30,000+ Anti-Government Activists Rally in Kiev

Opposition supporters take part in a rally in Kyiv’s Independence Square in Ukraine, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian anti-government activists rallied in the capital, Kiev, as the country’s national security agency warned of unspecified threats of terrorism.

About 30,00 opposition supporters turned out for Sunday’s rally in Kyiv’s Independence Square.

Opposition leaders repeated calls for constitutional reform and new elections that would hopefully unseat President Viktor Yanukovych.

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Gay Life Flourishes Underground in Sochi, Russia

But, often overlooked, a gay scene does exist in Russia, although invariably behind tightly closed doors.

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Russia Kills Suspected Militants in Dagestan

Bodies of four killed suspected militants are seen in Derbent region of Dagestan, April 18, 2011.
Bodies of four killed suspected militants are seen in Derbent region of Dagestan, April 18, 2011.

Russian security forces say they killed seven terrorist suspects Saturday in a sweep through southern Russia, three weeks before the Winter Olympics begin in Sochi.

Authorities in Moscow said the seven people died when police stormed a house where they had been hiding in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia‘s Dagestan republic.

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