Tag Archives: UFO

Operation Majestic 12 Top Secret Government Documents

This video shows Top Secret documents that overview Operation Majestic 12. Watch and listen very carefully. We are not alone in this vast universe, and this is 100% concrete evidence that our governments (US & others) not only have knowledge of this, but have had direct contact with and regular communications with extraterrestrial life forms. Enjoy. More videos at Activist TV.

Top Secret – Majestic 12 – Magic Eyes Only from Activist TV on Vimeo.
Top secret documents that overview Operation Majestic 12. This is the group that deals with all extraterrestrial contact in the US, and other governments.

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WAKE UP AMERICA! – Part 1: Exopolitics, Roswell and Operation HighJump

This is part 1 in a series of posts attempting to shed some light on, and increase the understanding of, just what is and has been going on regarding the #NWO, or new world order takeover. Most of this information has been kept quiet and been censored from mainstream media in an attempt to keep people in the dark. Having been ignorant to most of this information myself for far too long, my eyes are finally beginning to see the world for what it REALLY is.

Many of you will probably say that those of us that know the TRUTH are “conspiracy theorists,” or “anarchists,” or whatever other adjectives you want to plug in. Well, I’m here to tell you that there is incontrovertible evidence that supports what you are about to read / watch.

Before we get to the meat and potatoes of this, I would first like to say that none of this is my own work. This material is the result of some very brave people that have risked their very lives to bring these stories to light….because they care about the future of humanity. I would like to pay a special mention to one particular person, who is solely responsible for my personal awakening into the world of TRUE REALITY. I’m not going to mention his real name here (you know who you are), but he goes by the alias “The White Rabbit” on the internet. His blog site is a wealth of information that is a result of thousands of hours of research, digging for truth, investigation, and sticking his neck out for all of humanity. He is a close personal friend of mine, and I owe him a large debt of gratitude I will never be able to repay. Please have a look at his main site, titled Occupy the Banks.

Roswell, Operation HighJump & Opium Wars

Originally released April 2012:

In depth interview with former U.S. Department of Defense research librarian Douglas Dietrich. Douglas was exposed to highly secretive documentation as part of his role to catalog and destroy items at the Presidio Military Base in San-Francisco. This base was essentially the venue for the creation and hosting of the United Nations until it moved to New York, where it remains today.

This 3 hour discussion was divided into 3 sections:

  • A new take on the ‘UFO crash’ at Roswell in 1947 and it’s role in the post-war era.

The fate of the Axis powers:

  • British and US roles in Antartica and ‘Operation High Jump’
  • Roots of narcotics-trafficking as a black-budget source, Opium Wars, Tesla and Yugoslavia

Link to media and webpage at:

Although some of his perspectives and historical revisionism may appear suspect to some, there is no doubting that Mr Dietrich has an unparalleled ability to process a given context highly fluidly with the ability to weave connections seamlessly between them. If you follow-up this discussion with some of your own research, you’ll find more often than not that his ideas are valid. Where possible we attempted to clarify what was found in the documents at Presidio and what elements were from his additional investigation or experience of the various points made.

Originally Published on Oct 21, 2012:

Project Odysseus: The Covert American Spatial Warfare Program

Feet to the Fire Radio with host, James Arthur Jancik for Sept 2nd, 2012 with DOD whistle-blower guest, Douglas Duane Dietrich

In an unprecedented 6th marathon live interview on F2F, Douglas returns to speak on the Covert American Space program that he discovered reading reams of classified documents slated for destruction while he worked at the Presido Naval Base in his capacity as librarian.

In reading, collating and arranging for the erasure of these documents, Douglas has put together from his notes, photographs (he took with “spy” film cameras) and keeping some the actual material itself, a paradigm-busting, reality that is rocking the Free World to the corrupt, inept, cold-blooded evil that is running the American Government.

The “silver lining” in this Dark Cloud he exposes is they they are far from the omnipotent, technologically advanced, superior genetic bloodline, elite they would have you believe. But are mortally bankrupt degenerates, decaying before our eyes; if we could only see though the facade.

Douglas helps us see with an amazing amount of information- much of which is hidden in plain sight – that, when allowed to form it’s view of reality and then tested/overlaid over our world view, exposes this deep dark secret hidden by fictional cover stories from “Aliens at Roswell” to victory at WWII which is perpetuated, often unbeknownst by the participants, by the very alternative, informational, truth-seeking shows themselves.

In this show, Douglas reveals the real secret space program of the American Government from WWII thru the 80’s which do NOT include secret advances, space warps and star gates, but is literally nothing more than throwing rocks at Russian spacecraft and hand to hand combat in the vacuum of space.

The real challenge is for many of us who hold a near superhuman view of the “Powers That Be” to listen to Douglas’ rich download of information and test it against reality and in The Audio Archive of this interview on Feet to the Fire.

The audio archives of the other Mind Blowing Douglas Dietrich interviews can be found free and unedited at http://feet2fire.com

Red Ice Radio – Douglas Dietrich – Hour 1 – Occultism & Satanism in the U.S. Military (note; part only; subscription required for remainder 3rd party site)

Originally published September 24, 2012:

For eight years, Douglas Dietrich was a Research Librarian for the Department of Defense at El Presidio Real de San Francisco Military Base. There, along with his primary duty of document destruction, he was assigned to locate and access incredibly rare occult grimoires for the officially recognized Satanic Chaplain of the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Aquino. Douglas will speak about occultism and Satanism within the U.S. Military. He’ll also share his evidence for child abuse, pornography, blackmail and mind control in the military.

In the second hour, Douglas tells more about documents he was able to read. He’ll talk about medical experimentation on military bases and satanic crimes. He speaks more about Colonel Michael A. Aquino and the First Earth Battalion. He shares stories of his personal accounts of Satanism.

Later, we talk about how far along the military is in the area of paranormal research.


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