Tag Archives: Structural adjustment

It’s 2014, So Why Are So Many People Still Hungry? Part 2

Read Part 1 of this article here.

The Root Causes

Vibrant ProduceThe food emergency is an indication of a food framework in emergency. Terrible climate, high oil costs, agrofuels, and hypothesis are just the proximate reason for a deeper, systemic issue. The underlying driver of the emergency is a worldwide food framework that is profoundly powerless against economic and ecological stun. This powerlessness springs from the dangers, inequities, and externalities inborn in food frameworks that are commanded by a worldwide mechanical agri-foods complex. Fabricated over the past half-century—to a great extent with open trusts for grain subsidies, remote support, and global horticultural improvement the modern agri-foods complex is made up of multinational grain dealers, goliath seed, substance, and compost organizations, processors, and worldwide grocery store chains.

Continue reading It’s 2014, So Why Are So Many People Still Hungry? Part 2