Tag Archives: Operation Gladio

Censored News: Google and YouTube Suppress Russian Documentary on False Flag Terrorism

http://zombiechicken.orgA study by Elizabeth Woodworth, a former manager of library services for the British Columbia Ministry of Health, suggests that the Google and YouTube websites, two of the world’s most dominant internet portals, worked to bury the Russia Today (RT) network’s Truthseeker series episode examining the history of “false flag” terrorism, and the relationship between the events of September 11, 2001 and “Operation Gladio.”

Operation Gladio was a covert program backed by Western intelligence agencies from the late 1960s thru the early 1980s. During this time civilians in several European nations were terrorized in a series of deadly shootings and bombings ostensibly blamed on left wing political organizations. The state-sponsored terror was intended to influence public opinion toward such groups.

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