Tag Archives: Haing Ngor

Economic Power and the Corruption of the American Political System

Written by Jeremy Cloward, Ph.D. – Diablo Valley Collage

“To understand what goes on in the world today, it is necessary to understand the economic [forces] that stand behind the political events.”[1]

-Kwame Nkrumah, Leader of the Gold Coast & Ghana (1951-1966)


Corruption 1Dr. Haing Ngor, survivor of the Khmer Rouge “killings fields,” concluded that the Cambodian government lost its civil war (1967-1975) with the Khmer Rouge because the nation had lost its “moral direction.”[2]  As one example, he explained how some Cambodian generals sold US-supplied weapons to the Khmer Rouge for their own personal benefit.  As a consequence of the individual greed by some of the country’s top military men the Khmer Rouge became stronger, the civil war continued and when the US withdrew from Southeast Asia for good in April of 1975, the Lon Nol government collapsed in less than a week.

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