Category Archives: Press Freedom

Media Repression in Middle East Raises Concern

Riot PoliceAdvocates of press freedom are concerned about recent moves by some governments to arrest journalists and restrict Internet access to their citizens. Freedom House is a Washington-based group that supports democracy and free speech activists. The group says these restrictions on freedom of expression undermine both human rights and the foundation of democratic societies.

Charles Dunne is director of Middle East and North Africa programs at Freedom House. He says reports that journalists in Egypt are being harassed and arrested and that a proposed law in Turkey will increase restrictions on Internet access are an alarming turn toward repression in the Middle East and other countries where democracy is not firmly established.

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Russia Bars Entry to American Journalist

Journalist and author David Satter, who is also an adviser to RFE/RL
Journalist and author David Satter, who is also an adviser to RFE/RL.

In a move reminiscent of the Cold War, Russia has barred entry to an American journalist who had been living and working in Moscow.

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Journalism Under Attack Around the Globe

The world is a more dangerous place for journalists. Journalists are increasingly at risk of being killed or imprisoned for doing their jobs, a situation that imperils press freedom. From 2011 to 2012, the number of journalists behind bars because of their work increased from 53 to 232, and the 70 journalists killed in the line of duty during 2012 represents a 43 percent increase, compared with 2011, according to a study by the Committee to Project Journalists (CPJ). Over the past two decades, a journalist is killed once every eight days.

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