Category Archives: Politics

Obamacare to Shrink Health Care Employment by 2 Million Positions

ObamacareA report by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office predicts the new health care reform law will shrink the work force by more than 2 million full-time positions.

The report, released Tuesday, may fuel the debate over whether the health care reform law known as “Obamacare” is good for the economy. The CBO report said if people’s health care plans are not tied to their employment status, fewer will choose to work and some who keep working may choose to work fewer hours. The predicted reduction in hours adds up to about 2.5 million fewer full-time positions by 2024.

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Thailand’s Anti-Government Protesters Invoke Monarchy


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President Barack Obama Hands Over NSA Control to Eric Holder

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

U.S. President Barack Obama has signed an Executive Order (E.O. 103301) giving U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder emergency control over the NSA.

This declaration by the Obama Administration is a precursor to a impending financial emergency (which will lead to a massive crooked bank “bail- in” on all U.S. savings deposits and checking accounts). This is undoubtedly an attempt by Obama and Holder to preempt the activities a U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in Charlotte, North Carolina. Attorney General Holder has already been indicted on charges of obstruction of justice and treason regarding Holders withholding key evidence linking Saudi intelligence to the 9/11 false flag attack on the United States.

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