Category Archives: Open Internet

Turks Clash with Police Over Internet Censorship
Turkish riot police fire water cannons and tear gas at hundreds of demonstrators who are trying to march to the city’s main Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014.

Turkey remains on edge after riot police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse hundreds protesters Saturday in Istanbul.

The protest follows legislation that critics say will tighten government control over the Internet.

It would allow authorities to block websites for privacy violation without a court decision. Internet providers would also be forced make user data available to state officials.

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Censored News: Google and YouTube Suppress Russian Documentary on False Flag Terrorism

http://zombiechicken.orgA study by Elizabeth Woodworth, a former manager of library services for the British Columbia Ministry of Health, suggests that the Google and YouTube websites, two of the world’s most dominant internet portals, worked to bury the Russia Today (RT) network’s Truthseeker series episode examining the history of “false flag” terrorism, and the relationship between the events of September 11, 2001 and “Operation Gladio.”

Operation Gladio was a covert program backed by Western intelligence agencies from the late 1960s thru the early 1980s. During this time civilians in several European nations were terrorized in a series of deadly shootings and bombings ostensibly blamed on left wing political organizations. The state-sponsored terror was intended to influence public opinion toward such groups.

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China Deletes Online Documentary on Forced Evictions

A victim of forced eviction speaks about her experience, in an image from the 'Let Images Fly' documentary.
A victim of forced eviction speaks about her experience, in an image from the ‘Let Images Fly’ documentary.

Authorities in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu have deleted a hard-hitting online documentary about the harsh realities of forced eviction, filmed and produced by a group of evictees whose complaints through official channels led nowhere.

The documentary, titled “Let the Images Fly,” a reference to the title of a well-known movie “Let the Bullets Fly,” includes interviews with people evicted suddenly and violently from their homes by demolition gangs after they refused to sign a compensation deal with the local government.

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