Category Archives: LGBT Rights

Gay Life Flourishes Underground in Sochi, Russia

But, often overlooked, a gay scene does exist in Russia, although invariably behind tightly closed doors.

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Gay Rights Demonstrators Organize Olympic Rallies

A gay rights activist blows a whistle, during a demonstration, at a square next to the European institutions, in Brussels.
A gay rights activist blows a whistle, during a demonstration, at a square next to the European institutions, in Brussels.

Two days before the Friday opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics, people in 20 international cities demanded that Olympic sponsors condemn a Russian anti-gay law. Protesters objected to a law that pushes virtually any public discussion of homosexuality underground.

From Paris to London to Rio de Janeiro, protesters asked 10 global corporations to condemn Russia’s law.

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Some African Countries Pushing for Tougher Anti-Gay Laws

Nigeria-CIA_WFB_MapDAKAR — Nigeria‘s president has signed into law a bill that bans gay marriage, gay rights advocacy and public displays of affection between same-sex couples.  Homosexual acts were already illegal in Nigeria.  Human rights activists say the new law reflects a larger trend to ramp up anti-gay legislation and penalties.

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