Category Archives: Hate Groups

Gay Life Flourishes Underground in Sochi, Russia

But, often overlooked, a gay scene does exist in Russia, although invariably behind tightly closed doors.

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Gay Rights Demonstrators Organize Olympic Rallies

A gay rights activist blows a whistle, during a demonstration, at a square next to the European institutions, in Brussels.
A gay rights activist blows a whistle, during a demonstration, at a square next to the European institutions, in Brussels.

Two days before the Friday opening of the Sochi Winter Olympics, people in 20 international cities demanded that Olympic sponsors condemn a Russian anti-gay law. Protesters objected to a law that pushes virtually any public discussion of homosexuality underground.

From Paris to London to Rio de Janeiro, protesters asked 10 global corporations to condemn Russia’s law.

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Hate Groups and Antigovernment Groups on Rise across US

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors hate groups and antigovernment groups, released a report showing that 1,360 radical, antigovernment “patriot” groups and 321 militias actively operate within the United States. Released in March 2013, these statistics show an 813 percent rise in the number of such groups since 2008, with increasing numbers each year. Hate groups are most prevalent in California, with eighty-four total; Texas was second among states with sixty-two.

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